Significant work experience for a future job search. The rhythm is 2 days at the establishment and 3 days in the company.
A possible hiring in the host company, at the end of the studies (more than 50% of our work-study students under professionalization contract are hired by their host company).
A free and paid training for the trainee, allowing him to be financially independent.
Our partner companies regularly hold information meetings so that you can discover how they work, as well as the positions they may be able to offer you on a work-study basis.
We also hold recruitment events at our locations, where several potential tutors come to our offices to interview you for their work-study positions.
Free training, as it is paid for by the training funds of your host company and a paid employee status.
Employment contract between an employer and an employee. Its objective is to allow a young person to follow a general, theoretical and practical training, in order to acquire a professional qualification sanctioned by a diploma or a professional title.
An "intermediate" status that confers learner status. The learner is paid during his or her long-term internship and the host company covers the tuition fees.
You wish to join the Ascencia Business School community ? The registration and admission process is simple and completely free. We invite you to contact us first to invite you to our admission sessions.
1 Parvis de La Défense
La Grande Arche
92800 Puteaux
: +33 (0)1 55 23 08 08
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20 rue du Suffrage Universel
77185 Lognes
: +33 (0)1 64 11 48 00
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23 Place de Wicklow
78180 Montigny le Bretonneux
: +33 (0)1 30 57 90 74
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98 Allée des Champs Elysées
91080 Evry Courcouronnes
: +33 (0)1 60 79 55 55
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29/31 rue du Pilier
93300 Aubervilliers
: +33 (0)1 84 87 07 30
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Ascencia Business School – Ecole de Commerce et de Management
Ecoles membres du Collège de Paris
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Ascencia Business School is a private higher education institution member of the College de Paris
Collège de Paris offers individualized support to each person with a disability who wishes to join one of our schools. You can be put in touch with our disability advisor or benefit from the support of one of our partners: Tremplin Handicap for access to work-study jobs or internships; the Neurogroupe for neuro-atypical people.